Join us on TeamReach

What is TeamReach?
TeamReach is a free app for both iOS and Android that allows groups to communicate, schedule events, and share files and photos. 

What are the features of TeamReach?
Centralized communication: A central place for all communication, eliminating the need for phone calls, emails, and handouts as well as a chat platform
Send messages: Send messages to different teams/groups or direct message individuals
Create schedules: Create schedules, provide event details and track who is attending
Upload photos: Upload photos and show availability
Conduct polls: Conduct flash polls

How do I join the Bent Creek Tennis TeamReach group?
  1. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play
  2. Create an account using email, Google, or Facebook
  3. Enter the group code:  Bentcreektennis
How do I join the Bent Creek Pickleball TeamReach group?
  1. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play
  2. Create an account using email, Google, or Facebook
  3. Enter the group code:  Bentcreekpickleball
How do I edit or delete a message?
Click the message you created, then select the three dots in the upper right. You can edit or delete the message from there.
How can I receive notifications?
Click the gear wheel in the upper right to launch the group settings.  You can turn on your notifications to receive updates in real time as well as adjust other settings.